Getting Started


oxidized_importer requires CPython 3.8 or newer. This is because it relies on modern C and Python standard library APIs only available in that version.

Building oxidized_importer from source requires a working Rust toolchain for the target platform.

Installing from PyPI

oxidized_importer is available on PyPI. This means that installing is as simple as:

$ pip3 install oxidized_importer

Compiling from Source

To build from source, obtain a clone of PyOxidizer’s Git repository and run the script or use pip to build the Python project in the root of the repository. e.g.:

$ python3.9 build_ext -i
$ python3.9 install

$ pip3.9 install .
$ pip3.9 wheel .

The is pretty minimal and is a thin wrapper around cargo build for the underlying Rust project. If you want to build using Rust’s standard toolchain, do something like the following:

$ cd oxidized-importer
$ cargo build --release

If you don’t have a Python 3.9 python3 executable in your PATH, you will need to tell the Rust build system which python3 executable to use to help derive the build configuration for the Python extension:

$ PYTHON_SYS_EXECUTABLE=/path/to/python3.9 cargo build


To use oxidized_importer, simply import the module:

import oxidized_importer

To register a custom importer with Python, do something like the following:

import sys

import oxidized_importer

finder = oxidized_importer.OxidizedFinder()

# You want to register the finder first so it has the highest priority.
sys.meta_path.insert(0, finder)

To get performance benefits of loading modules and resources from memory, you’ll need to index resources with the OxidizedFinder, serialize that data out, then load that data into a new OxidizedFinder instance. See Freezing Applications with oxidized_importer for more detailed examples.