.. py:currentmodule:: oxidized_importer .. _oxidized_importer_getting_started: =============== Getting Started =============== Requirements ============ ``oxidized_importer`` requires CPython 3.8 or newer. This is because it relies on modern C and Python standard library APIs only available in that version. Building ``oxidized_importer`` from source requires a working Rust toolchain for the target platform. Installing from PyPI ==================== ``oxidized_importer`` is `available `_ on PyPI. This means that installing is as simple as:: $ pip3 install oxidized_importer Compiling from Source ===================== To build from source, obtain a clone of PyOxidizer's Git repository and run the ``setup.py`` script or use ``pip`` to build the Python project in the root of the repository. e.g.:: $ python3.9 setup.py build_ext -i $ python3.9 setup.py install $ pip3.9 install . $ pip3.9 wheel . The ``setup.py`` is pretty minimal and is a thin wrapper around ``cargo build`` for the underlying Rust project. If you want to build using Rust's standard toolchain, do something like the following:: $ cd oxidized-importer $ cargo build --release If you don't have a Python 3.9 ``python3`` executable in your ``PATH``, you will need to tell the Rust build system which ``python3`` executable to use to help derive the build configuration for the Python extension:: $ PYTHON_SYS_EXECUTABLE=/path/to/python3.9 cargo build Using ===== To use ``oxidized_importer``, simply import the module: .. code-block:: python import oxidized_importer To register a custom importer with Python, do something like the following: .. code-block:: python import sys import oxidized_importer finder = oxidized_importer.OxidizedFinder() # You want to register the finder first so it has the highest priority. sys.meta_path.insert(0, finder) To get performance benefits of loading modules and resources from memory, you'll need to index resources with the :py:class:`OxidizedFinder`, serialize that data out, then load that data into a new :py:class:`OxidizedFinder` instance. See :ref:`oxidized_importer_freezing` for more detailed examples.