.. _managing_projects: ===================================== Managing Projects with ``pyoxidizer`` ===================================== The ``pyoxidizer`` command line tool is a frontend to the various functionality of ``PyOxidizer``. See :ref:`components` for more on the various components of ``PyOxidizer``. High-Level Project Lifecycle ============================ ``PyOxidizer`` exposes various functionality through the interaction of ``pyoxidizer`` commands and configuration files. The first step of any project is to create it. This is achieved with a ``pyoxidizer init-*`` command to create files required by ``PyOxidizer``. After that, various ``pyoxidizer`` commands can be used to evaluate configuration files and perform actions from the evaluated file. ``PyOxidizer`` provides functionality for building binaries, installing files into a directory tree, and running the results of build actions. The ``pyoxidizer.bzl`` Configuration File ========================================= The most important file for a ``PyOxidizer`` project is the ``pyoxidizer.bzl`` configuration file. This is a Starlark file evaluated in a context that provides special functionality for ``PyOxidizer``. Starlark is a Python-like interpreted language and its syntax and semantics should be familiar to any Python programmer. From a high-level, ``PyOxidizer``'s configuration files define named ``targets``, which are callable functions associated with a name - the *target* - that resolve to an entity. For example, a configuration file may define a ``build_exe()`` function which returns an object representing a standalone executable file embedding Python. The ``pyoxidizer build`` command can be used to evaluate just that target/function. Target functions can call out to other target functions. For example, there may be an ``install`` target that creates a set of files composing a full application. Its function may evaluate the ``exe`` target to produce an executable file. See :ref:`config_files` for comprehensive documentation of ``pyoxidizer.bzl`` files and their semantics. Creating New Projects with ``init-config-file`` =============================================== The ``pyoxidizer init-config-file`` command will create a new ``pyoxidizer.bzl`` configuration file in the target directory:: $ pyoxidizer init-config-file pyapp This should have printed out details on what happened and what to do next. Creating New Rust Projects with ``init-rust-project`` ===================================================== The ``pyoxidizer init-rust-project`` command creates a minimal Rust project configured to build an application that runs an embedded Python interpreter from a configuration defined in a ``pyoxidizer.bzl`` configuration file. Run it by specifying the directory to contain the new project:: $ pyoxidizer init-rust-project pyapp This should have printed out details on what happened and what to do next. The explicit creation of Rust projects to use ``PyOxidizer`` is not required. If your produced binaries only need to perform actions configurable via ``PyOxidizer`` configuration files (like running some Python code), an explicit Rust project isn't required, as ``PyOxidizer`` can auto-generate a temporary Rust project at build time. But if you want to supplement the behavior of the binaries built with Rust, an explicit and persisted Rust project can facilitate that. For example, you may want to run custom Rust code before, during, and after a Python interpreter runs in the process. See :ref:`rust_projects` for more on the composition of Rust projects. Adding PyOxidizer to an Existing Project with ``add`` ===================================================== Do you have an existing Rust project that you want to add an embedded Python interpreter to? PyOxidizer can help with that too! The ``pyoxidizer add`` command can be used to add an embedded Python interpreter to an existing Rust project. Simply give the directory to a project containing a ``Cargo.toml`` file:: $ cargo init myrustapp Created binary (application) package $ pyoxidizer add myrustapp This will add required files and make required modifications to add an embedded Python interpreter to the target project. .. important:: It is highly recommended to have the destination project under version control so you can see what changes are made by ``pyoxidizer add`` and so you can undo any unwanted changes. .. danger:: This command isn't very well tested. And results have been known to be wrong. If it doesn't *just work*, you may want to run ``pyoxidizer init`` and incorporate relevant files into your project manually. Sorry for the inconvenience. Building PyObject Projects with ``build`` ========================================= The ``pyoxidizer build`` command is probably the most important and used ``pyoxidizer`` command. This command evaluates a ``pyoxidizer.bzl`` configuration file by resolving *targets* in it. By default, the default *target* in the configuration file is resolved. However, callers can specify a list of explicit *targets* to resolve. e.g.:: # Resolve the default target. $ pyoxidizer build # Resolve the "exe" and "install" targets, in that order. $ pyoxidizer build exe install ``PyOxidizer`` configuration files are effectively defining a build system, hence the name *build* for the command to resolve *targets* within. Running the Result of Building with ``run`` =========================================== Target functions in ``PyOxidizer`` configuration files return objects that may be *runnable*. For example, a :ref:`PythonExecutable ` returned by a target function that defines a Python executable binary can be *run* by executing a new process. The ``pyoxidizer run`` command is used to attempt to *run* an object returned by a build target. It is effectively ``pyoxidizer build`` followed by *running* the returned object. e.g.:: # Run the default target. $ pyoxidizer run # Run the "install" target. $ pyoxidizer run --target install Analyzing Produced Binaries with ``analyze`` ============================================ The ``pyoxidizer analyze`` command is a generic command for analyzing the contents of executables and libraries. While it is generic, its output is specifically tailored for ``PyOxidizer``. Run the command with the path to an executable. For example:: $ pyoxidizer analyze build/apps/myapp/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/debug/myapp Behavior is dependent on the format of the file being analyzed. But the general theme is that the command attempts to identify the run-time requirements for that binary. For example, for ELF binaries it will list all shared library dependencies and analyze ``glibc`` symbol versions and print out which Linux distributions it thinks the binary is compatible with. .. note:: ``pyoxidizer analyze`` is not yet implemented for all executable file types that ``PyOxidizer`` supports. Inspecting Python Distributions =============================== ``PyOxidizer`` uses special pre-built Python distributions to build binaries containing Python. These Python distributions are zstandard compressed tar files. Zstandard is a modern compression format that is really, really, really good. (PyOxidizer's maintainer also maintains `Python bindings to zstandard `_ and has `written about the benefits of zstandard `_ on his blog. You should read that blog post so you are enlightened on how amazing zstandard is.) But because zstandard is relatively new, not all systems have utilities for decompressing that format yet. So, the ``pyoxidizer python-distribution-extract`` command can be used to extract the zstandard compressed tar archive to a local filesystem path. Python distributions contain software governed by a number of licenses. This of course has implications for application distribution. See :ref:`licensing_considerations` for more. The ``pyoxidizer python-distribution-licenses`` command can be used to inspect a Python distribution archive for information about its licenses. The command will print information about the licensing of the Python distribution itself along with a per-extension breakdown of which libraries are used by which extensions and which licenses apply to what. This command can be super useful to audit for license usage and only allow extensions with licenses that you are legally comfortable with. For example, the entry for the ``readline`` extension shows that the extension links against the ``ncurses`` and ``readline`` libraries, which are governed by the X11, and GPL-3.0 licenses:: readline -------- Dependency: ncurses Link Type: library Dependency: readline Link Type: library Licenses: GPL-3.0, X11 License Info: https://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-3.0.html License Info: https://spdx.org/licenses/X11.html .. note:: The license annotations in Python distributions are best effort and can be wrong. They do not constitute a legal promise. Paranoid individuals may want to double check the license annotations by verifying with source code distributions, for example.