.. _config_files: =================== Configuration Files =================== PyOxidizer uses `Starlark `_ files to configure run-time behavior. Starlark is a dialect of Python intended to be used as a configuration language and the syntax should be familiar to any Python programmer. .. _config_finding_configuration_files: Finding Configuration Files =========================== If the ``PYOXIDIZER_CONFIG`` environment variable is set, the path specified by this environment variable will be used as the location of the Starlark configuration file. If the ``OUT_DIR`` environment variable is set (we're building from the context of a Rust project), the ancestor directories will be searched for a ``pyoxidizer.bzl`` file and the first one found will be used. Otherwise, ``PyOxidizer`` will look for a ``pyoxidizer.bzl`` file starting in either the current working directory or from the directory containing the ``pyembed`` crate and then will traverse ancestor directories until a file is found. If no configuration file is found, an error occurs. File Processing Semantics ========================= A configuration file is evaluated in a custom Starlark *dialect* which provides primitives used by PyOxidizer. This dialect provides some well-defined global variables (defined in UPPERCASE) as well as some types and functions that can be constructed and called. See below for general usage and :ref:`config_api` for a full reference of what's available to the Starlark environment. Since Starlark is effectively a subset of Python, executing a ``PyOxidizer`` configuration file is effectively running a sandboxed Python script. It is conceptually similar to running ``python setup.py`` to build a Python package. As functions withink the Starlark environment are called, ``PyOxidizer`` will perform actions as described by those functions. Targets ======= ``PyOxidizer`` configuration files are composed of functions registered as named *targets*. You define a function that does something then register it was a target by calling the :ref:`config_register_target` global function provided by our Starlark dialect. e.g.: .. code-block:: python def get_python_distribution(): return default_python_distribution() register_target("dist", get_python_distribution) When a configuration file is evaluated, ``PyOxidizer`` attempts to *resolve* an ordered list of *targets* This list of targets is either specified by the end-user or is derived from the configuration file. The first ``register_target()`` target or the last ``register_target()`` call passing ``default=True`` is the default target. When evaluated in *Rust build script mode* (typically via ``pyoxidizer run-build-script``), the default target will be the one specified by the last ``register_target()`` call passing ``default_build_script=True``, or the default target if no target defines itself as the default build script target. ``PyOxidizer`` calls the registered target functions in order to *resolve* the requested set of targets. Target functions can depend on other targets and dependent target functions will automatically be called and have their return value passed as an argument to the target function depending on it. See :ref:`config_register_target` for more. The value returned by a target function is special. If that value is one of the special types defined by our Starlark dialect (e.g. :ref:`config_python_distribution` or :ref:`config_python_executable`), ``PyOxidizer`` will attempt to invoke special functionality depending on the run mode. For example, when running ``pyoxidizer build`` to *build* a target, ``PyOxidizer`` will invoke any *build* functionality on the value returned by a target function, if present. For example, a ``PythonExecutable``'s *build* functionality would compile an executable binary embedding Python. Common Operations ================= Obtain a Python Distribution ---------------------------- A :ref:`PythonDistribution ` type defines a Python distribution from which you can derive binaries, perform packaging actions, etc. Every configuration file will likely utilize this type. Instances are typically constructed from :ref:`default_python_distribution() ` and are registered as their own target, since multiple targets may want to reference the distribution instance: .. code-block:: python def make_dist(): return default_python_distribution() register_target("dist", make_dist) Creating an Executable File Embedding Python -------------------------------------------- A :ref:`config_python_executable` type defines an executable file embedding Python. Instances are derived from a ``PythonDistribution`` instance, usually by using target dependencies. In this example, we create an executable that runs a Python REPL on startup: .. code-block:: python def make_dist(): return default_python_distribution() def make_exe(dist): return dist.to_python_executable( "myapp", run_repl=True, ) register_target("dist", make_dist) register_target("exe", make_exe, depends=["dist"], default=True) See :ref:`packaging` for more examples. Copying Files Next To Your Application -------------------------------------- The `:ref:`config_file_manifest` type represents a collection of files and their content. When ``FileManifest`` instances are returned from a target function, their build action results in their contents being manifested in a directory having the name of the build target. ``FileManifest`` instances can be used to construct custom file *install layouts*. Say you have an existing directory tree of files you want to copy next to your application. The :ref:`config_glob` function can be used to discover existing files on the filesystem and turn them into a ``FileManifest``. You can then return this ``FileManifest`` directory or overlay it onto another instance using :ref:`config_file_manifest_add_manifest`. Here's an example: .. code-block:: python def make_install(): m = FileManifest() templates = glob("/path/to/project/templates/**/*", strip_prefix="/path/to/project/") m.add_manifest(templates) return m This will take all files ``/path/to/project/templates/``, strip the path prefix ``/path/to/project/`` from them and then add all those files to your main ``FileManifest``. The files should be installed as ``templates/*`` when the ``InstallManifest`` is materialized.