.. py:currentmodule:: starlark_pyoxidizer .. _config_resource_add_attributes: ====================================== Resource Attributes Influencing Adding ====================================== Individual Starlark values representing resources expose various attributes prefixed with ``add_`` which influence what happens when that resource is added to a resource collector. These attributes are derived from the :py:class:`PythonPackagingPolicy` attached to the entity creating the resource. But they can be modified by Starlark code before the resource is added to a collection. The following sections describe each attribute that influences how the resource is added to a collection. .. _config_resource_add_include: ``add_include`` =============== This ``bool`` attribute defines a yes/no filter for whether to actually add this resource to a collection. If a resource with ``.add_include = False`` is added to a collection, that add is processed as a no-op and no change is made. .. _config_resource_add_location: ``add_location`` ================ This ``string`` attributes defines the primary location this resource should be added to and loaded from at run-time. It can be set to the following values: ``in-memory`` The resource should be loaded from memory. For Python modules and resource files, the module is loaded from memory using 0-copy by the custom module importer. For Python extension modules, the extension module may be statically linked into the built binary or loaded as a shared library from memory (the latter is not supported on all platforms). ``filesystem-relative:`` The resource is materialized on the filesystem relative to the built entity and loaded from the filesystem at run-time. ```` here is a directory prefix to place the resource in. ``.`` (e.g. ``filesystem-relative:.``) can be used to denote the same directory as the built entity. .. _config_resource_add_location_fallback: ``add_location_fallback`` ========================= This ``string`` or ``None`` value attribute is equivalent to ``add_location`` except it only comes into play if the location specified by ``add_location`` could not be satisfied. Some resources (namely Python extension modules) cannot exist in all locations. Setting this attribute to a different location gives more flexibility for packaging resources with location constraints. .. _config_resource_add_source: ``add_source`` ============== This ``bool`` attribute defines whether to add source code for a Python module. For Python modules, typically only bytecode is required at run-time. For some applications, the presence of source code doesn't provide sufficient value or isn't desired since the application developer may want to obfuscate the source code. Setting this attribute to ``False`` prevents Python module source code from being added. .. _config_resource_add_bytecode_optimize_level_zero: ``add_bytecode_optimization_level_zero`` ======================================== This ``bool`` attributes defines whether to add Python bytecode for optimization level 0 (the default optimization level). If ``True``, Python source code will be compiled to bytecode at build time. The default value is whatever :py:attr:`PythonPackagingPolicy.bytecode_optimize_level_zero` is set to. .. _config_resource_add_bytecode_optimize_level_one: ``add_bytecode_optimization_level_one`` ======================================= This ``bool`` attributes defines whether to add Python bytecode for optimization level 1. The default value is whatever :py:attr:`PythonPackagingPolicy.bytecode_optimize_level_one` is set to. .. _config_resource_add_bytecode_optimize_level_two: ``add_bytecode_optimization_level_two`` ======================================= This ``bool`` attributes defines whether to add Python bytecode for optimization level 2. The default value is whatever :py:attr:`PythonPackagingPolicy.bytecode_optimize_level_two` is set to.