
class starlark_tugger.MacOsApplicationBundleBuilder

The MacOsApplicationBundleBuilder type allows creating macOS Application Bundles (typically .app directories) providing applications on macOS.

For reference, see Apple’s bundle format documentation for the structure of application bundles.

__init__(bundle_name: str) → MacOsApplicationBundleBuilder

Construct new instances. It accepts the following arguments:


The name of the application bundle.

This will become the value for CFBundleName and form the name of the generated bundle directory.

add_icon(path: str)

Accepts a string argument defining the path to a file that will become the <bundle_name>.icns file for the bundle.

add_manifest(manifest: FileManifest)

Adds file data to the bundle via a FileManifest instance. All files in the manifest will be materialized in the Contents/ directory of the bundle.

Accepts the following arguments:

Collection of files to materialize.

Bundles have a well-defined structure and files should only be materialized in certain locations. This method will allow you to materialize files in locations resulting in a malformed bundle. Use with caution.

add_macos_file(content: FileContent, path: Optional[str] = None)

Adds a single file to be installed in the Contents/MacOS directory in the bundle.

Accepts the following arguments:

Object representing file content to materialize.
Relative path of file under Contents/MacOS. If not defined, the file will be installed into the equivalent of os.path.join("Contents/MacOS", content.filename).
add_macos_manifest(manifest: FileManifest))

Adds a FileManifest of content to be materialized in the Contents/MacOS directory.

Accepts the following arguments:

Collection of files to materialize.
add_resources_file(content: FileContent, path: Optional[str])

Adds a single file to be installed in the Contents/Resources directory in the bundle.

Accepts the following arguments:

Object representing file content to materialize.
Relative path of file under Contents/Resources. If not defined, the file will be installed into the equivalent of os.path.join("Contents/Resources", content.filename).
add_resources_manifest(manifest: FileManifest)

Adds a FileManifest of content to be materialized in the Contents/Resources directory.

Accepts the following arguments:

Collection of files to materialize.
set_info_plist_key(key: str, value: Union[bool, int, str])

Sets the value of a key in the Contents/Info.plist file.

Accepts the following arguments:

Key in the `Info.plist file to set.
Value to set. Can be a bool, int, or string.
set_info_plist_required_keys(display_name: str, identifier: str, version: str, signature: str, executable: str)

This method defines required keys in the Contents/Info.plist file.

The following named arguments are accepted and must all be provided:


Sets the bundle display name (CFBundleDisplayName).

This is the name of the application as displayed to users.


Sets the bundle identifier (CFBundleIdentifer).

This is a reverse DNS type identifier. e.g. com.example.my_program.

Sets the bundle version string (CFBundleVersion)

Sets the bundle creator OS type code (CFBundleSignature).

The value must be exactly 4 characters.


Sets the name of the main executable file (CFBundleExecutable).

This is typically the same name as the bundle.

build(target: str)

This method will materialize the .app bundle/directory given the settings specified.

This method accepts the following arguments:

The name of the target being built.

Upon successful bundle directory creation, the entire bundle is considered for code signing with the signing action macos-application-bundle-creation. All signable Mach-O files and nested bundles should be signed.

write_to_directory(path: str)

This method will materialize the .app bundle/directory to the specified directory.

Absolute paths are treated as-is. Relative paths are relative to the currently configured build path.

Upon successful bundle directory creation, the entire bundle is considered for code signing with the signing action macos-application-bundle-creation. All signable Mach-O files and nested bundles should be signed.