Building an Executable that Behaves Like python

It is possible to use PyOxidizer to build an executable that would behave like a typical python executable would.

To start, initialize a new config file:

$ pyoxidizer init-config-file python

Then, we’ll want to modify the pyoxidizer.bzl configuration file to look something like the following:

def make_dist():
    return default_python_distribution()

def make_exe(dist):
    policy = dist.make_python_packaging_policy()
    policy.extension_module_filter = "all"
    policy.include_distribution_resources = True

    # Add resources to the filesytem, next to the built executable.
    # You can add resources to memory too. But this makes the install
    # layout somewhat consistent with what Python expects.
    policy.resources_location = "filesystem-relative:lib"

    python_config = dist.make_python_interpreter_config()

    # This is the all-important line to make the embedded Python interpreter
    # behave like `python`.
    python_config.config_profile = "python"

    # Enable the stdlib path-based importer.
    python_config.filesystem_importer = True

    # You could also disable the Rust importer if you really want your
    # executable to behave like `python`.
    # python_config.oxidized_importer = False

    exe = dist.to_python_executable(
        packaging_policy = policy,
        config = python_config,

    return exe

def make_embedded_resources(exe):
    return exe.to_embedded_resources()

def make_install(exe):
    files = FileManifest()
    files.add_python_resource(".", exe)

    return files

register_target("dist", make_dist)
register_target("exe", make_exe, depends=["dist"])
register_target("resources", make_embedded_resources, depends=["exe"], default_build_script=True)
register_target("install", make_install, depends=["exe"], default=True)


(The above code is dedicated to the public domain and can be used without attribution.)

From there, build/run from the config:

$ cd python
$ pyoxidizer build
$ pyoxidizer run
Python 3.8.6 (default, Oct  3 2020, 20:48:20)
[Clang 10.0.1 ] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

Resource Loading Caveats

PyOxidizer’s configuration defaults are opinionated about how resources are loaded by default. In the default configuration, the Python distribution’s resources are indexed and loaded via oxidized_importer at run-time. This behavior is obviously different from what a standard python executable would do.

If you want the built executable to behave like python would and use the standard library importers, you can disable oxidized_importer by setting oxidized_importer to False.

Another caveat is that indexed resources are embedded in the built executable by default. This will bloat the size of the executable for no benefit. To disable this functionality, set PythonExecutable.packed_resources_load_mode to none.

Binary Portability

A python-like executable built with PyOxidizer may not just work when copied to another machine. See Portability of Binaries Built with PyOxidizer to learn more about the portability of binaries built with PyOxidizer.