Using Cargo with PyOxidizer Source Checkouts

PyOxidizer’s source repository consists of multiple Rust projects/crates. At the root of the repository is a Cargo.toml defining a workspace consisting of all these crates.


Building various Rust crates from source can be extremely brittle and a top-level cargo build will likely encounter multiple build failures.

If you want to run cargo from a PyOxidizer source checkout, you will likely want to limit the invocation to a single crate at a time to ensure things can build.

The following sections detail how to build various crates inside a source checkout.

pyoxidizer Crate

Building the pyoxidizer crate in isolation (e.g. cargo build -p pyoxidizer) should just work, as it is a pretty typical Rust crate.

Perhaps the only special property of this crate is that it defines both a library and an executable. So you may want to limit operations to a specific binary. e.g. cargo build --bin pyoxidizer or cargo test --bin pyoxidizer.

python-packed-resources Crate

This is a standard Rust crate and should always build without issue. e.g. cargo build -p python-packed-resources.

python-packaging Crate

This is a standard Rust crate and should always build without issue. e.g. cargo build -p python-packaging or cargo test -p python-packaging.

pyembed Crate

The pyembed crate provides the bulk of the run-time functionality for binaries embedding Python interpreters. Because the crate needs to consult with a Python interpreter at build time and link against it, its build configuration can be fragile.


Almost all workspace build failures are somehow related to the pyembed crate.

In its default configuration, a Python 3.9 executable needs to be found on PATH. If said executable can’t be found, you’ll get a No python interpreter found of version 3.* error at build time.

To work around this, add a python3.9 or python3 executable to PATH or run cargo build with the PYO3_PYTHON environment variable pointing to a specific Python 3 executable. e.g.

$ PYO3_PYTHON=/path/to/python3.9 cargo build -p pyembed

python-oxidized-importer Crate

This crate defines a Python extension module defining a Python meta path importer. See oxidized_importer Python Extension.

This crate needs to link against a Python interpreter and the same caveats for the pyembed crate apply to it as well.