.. py:currentmodule:: starlark_tugger ====================== ``CodeSigningRequest`` ====================== .. py:class:: CodeSigningRequest This type represents the invocation of and settings for a single code signing operation. When :py:class:`CodeSigner` instances are registered with Tugger, they can optionally register a callback function via :py:meth:`CodeSigner.set_signing_callback` to influence the imminent code signing operation. This type is used to convey information about the code signing operation and to influence its settings. Instances are constructed internally by Tugger and cannot be constructed via Starlark. .. py:attribute:: action (read-only ``str``) The named action that triggered this code signing request. .. py:attribute:: filename (read-only ``str``) The filename this request is associated with. This is only the filename: not a full filesystem path. .. py:attribute:: path (read-only ``Union[str, None]``) The filesystem path this request is associated with. May be ``None``. The path may be a *virtual* path, such as one tracked in a :py:class:`FileManifest` instance. .. py:attribute:: defer (write-only ``bool``) Whether to defer processing of this request to another signer. Normally, the first :py:class:`CodeSigner` that is capable of signing something attempts to sign it and :py:class:`CodeSigner` traversal is stopped. Setting this to ``True`` will enable additional :py:class:`CodeSigner` (or callback functions on the same signer) to encounter this request. .. py:attribute:: prevent_signing (write-only ``bool``) If set to ``True``, the resource will not be signed and the signing attempt will be aborted.